Our Group (SHRG) was formed in 2001.
Our aim is to research and record the history of our town, Sandy in Bedfordshire.
Over the past two decades we have collected and archived thousands of old photographs of Sandy, together with documents, maps, deed and artefacts such as old pub signs.
We display photographs and other items from our archive each year at exhibitions held at various Sandy locations and events.
We also organise an annual programme of talks, events, and visits all related to our local history.
We publish two editions of our magazine SHRUB each year, and have produced two volumes of “Pictorial Memories of Sandy” and a pack of 8 “Sandy Memories” postcards, all of which are available for sale to non members.
We also provide speakers and articles to other local groups and publications.
Where appropriate, we lobby on local issues relating to preserving and recording Sandy’s history. Recent examples include having Sandye Place registered as an Asset of Community Value, and clarifying the arrangements for street naming (much of Sandy’s history is told in its street names).
Sandy Historical Research Group currently has around 60 members, who each pay an annual subscription of £15.00. Members receive SHRUB magazine free of charge, and have free entry to most of our talks and events.
Our Group is for people, wherever they may now live, who have an interest in the history of Sandy. If you have memories of the town that you can share with us, or photographs and other memorabilia that you would like to donate to our archive, we would love to hear from you. If you have questions about Sandy and its people, we may be able to help. If you would like to contribute an article to SHRUB magazine, or would like to become an SHRG member, please make contact for more information click here.
Our committee members carry out their SHRG activities voluntarily, but income from membership subscriptions and from sales of our booklets and postcards is still vital, to fund our room hire, storage, equipment, and insurance costs. Much greater income will be required if we are ever to be able to achieve our long term objective of a museum for Sandy.
Any ideas on locating and funding a museum will be gratefully received. More immediately, we would also welcome ideas on places to store our archive safely and securely.
More details of our organisation and activities are given on subsequent pages of this website. Also find us on Facebook (click here) We hope you find it helpful.

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